Thread: Really Need Help
Chris Schafroth
Hey everyone,
My name is Chris and for the past few weeks really strange things have been happening to me. I've always preferred the darkness to the daytime and my sleeping patterns reflect this (I sleep from about 6am to 2pm, meaning I'm awake during most of the moonlit hours). I've also always had a pallid skin-tone because of this. I never really thought much of it until last month when my friend Austin cut his elbow. I felt an overwhelming urge to drink the blood from his arm. In addition to this, I've been experiencing really vivid nightmares where I hunt young men through the streets of Zurich. The dream always ends right before I capture them and during it I feel a mixture of thirst and lust. What does this mean? Am I some sort of alpine vampire? If so, do I tell me friends? My annoyingly persistent pal Liam seems suspicous but this may just be paranoia on my part. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Chris Schafroth and his persistent pal Liam. |
Your issue is not indicative of vampirsm, in and of itself. You may be a vampire. You may be otherkin. You may just be more in tune with nocturnal energies and have tapped into your more primal, predatory urges. You never really know for certain at this point. I'd just wait it out and see if anything else develops. If and when that happens, be sure to let us know and we'll see about helping you out. I'm actually leaning away from vampire right now, seeing as there haven't actually been any actual signs of vampirsm mentioned yet. As for your friends; they don't need to know anything. Besides, you can't tell them what you don't know yourself.
Good evening Chris.
First off don't panic and do anything because of it. It is a big load to carry, for sure but as Phoenix pointed out, telling your friends of something you don't even know for sure is not a sensible course to follow.
The pale skin is to be expected if you do not expose yourself to sunshine regularly. I have a son who has extremely pale skin but he is not a vampire.
Vivid dreams can be indicative of other things than that which they first appear to be. Dream interpretation is inexact at the best of times, in fact if you ask any two dream interpreters you are likely to get three different answers!
When you dream of this "hunting" do you see yourself from outside your body or are you still inside your body? I am interested in how you see, or relate to your own nature during the dream.
I am with Phoenix on this one, sit tight and see what develops. There are plenty of people here to help if you have any questions or feel you are having problems.
With compliments,
Chris Schafroth
Thanks for the feedback guys,
Hawkmoor: I am most definetely in my body during the dream. If anything I am ultra-aware of everything I am doing and feeling. There have been some developments in that regard. About two nights ago the dream finally reached its conclusion. I managed to pin down the fleeing man and drink his blood. The feeling was.....indescribable, like pleasure and guilt all at once. But mainly relief. Anyway, when I looked at my victim's face, I recognised it as belonging to my friend Tadgh. Ever since that night, I can't talk to this guy because the same feelings I have in my dream (thirst and lust) come rushing up and I have to leave the room or else I dont know what I might end up doing.
Also, is it normal that I find myself drawn to butcher's shops all the time?
Good evening.
I sympathise with your predicament Chris. Strong feelings and urges are sometimes overwhelming and the perception of being unable to address them can lead to frustration and anger ~ be careful about this and rely on your rational thought processes.
I have had dreams of a similar nature but in the end they have been just that, dreams. Dreaming and fantasising is part of the normal human psyche, it is part of the body's response mechanism to outside stimulus. The dream cycles are, in effect, the mind's way of "filing" things away - at least that is how it has been explained to me by a friend (a psychologist)
I would personally avoid attaching too much importance to the dreams but rather concentrate on the waking sensations and stimuli that trigger certain thought processes within you.
As Phoenix said, it doesn't necessarily mean you are, or are not, a modern vampire. My advice, exhaust the simple explanations before you go looking too deeply at the complex ones. Do some research on dreaming and dream interpretations before you decide what's what.
BTW, I like butcher shops too... especially the ones that do the thick pork sausages and I don't mind the smells of the place either. It could be something, or nothing. Difficult to say for certain.
With compliments,